Thursday 10 February 2011

Warlock's Are Enemies Of God

"Harry Potter will burn in Hell, because he is a Warlock"
Now what is wrong with this statement. Well first of all Harry Potter is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER, meaning that he is not real. Second of all, he is not a Warlock, he is a Wizard. Otherwise you'd be calling Gandalf and Merlin Warlocks as well. The 3rd reason wouldn't it be cool to befriend a Warlock. I mean look at it this way, he could help you and make life more entertaining (especially in this state the world is in).
Why am I asking this?
On Tuesday night, I watched a documentary called "Jesus Camp", in which it discusses the Evangelical Christian way of life (dealing with whether or not Children should be brought up like this).
There was a certain moment in which the head of this place stated that reading the "Harry Potter" series is a sin against God and they state that it is heresy to read them.
Wait a minute. Where in the Bible did it say "Thou shalt not read Harry Potter", or would that be under "thou shalt not worship false idols"? I mean come on, no one has a religion dedicated to Hogwarts or to Daniel Radcliffe.

The funny thing is that they accept reading the literature of JRR Tolkien (such as the lord of the rings). Then again, JRR Tolkien was a Christian where as JK Rowling is not. But the fact is that they would be saying that Gandalf and Saruman were enemies of God seeing as they're Wizards (or in the case of Harry Potter: a "Warlock").
The fact is that Harry Potter is a fictional character and not literalistic whatsoever (although Harry Potter has ideas from the Lord Of The Rings)

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