Saturday 19 February 2011

In Ze Mirror, In Ze Nude

Today's topic is about the Resident Evil character Wesker and how the film Resident Evil: Afterlife essentially was a terrible film. First of all let's discuss Wesker.
Albert Wesker appeared in the original game and was the commanding officer of Special Tactics and Rescue Services (most people will know this as STARS) and was the leader of Alpha team. Turns out he was a double agent working for the Umbrella Corporation.
He was ordered to lead the STARS squad into the Spencer Mansion so they could be used test subjects against the creatures to gather battle data. Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine and the others learn of his betrayal, but as a consequence of releasing the Tyrant monster, Wesker supposedly dies. In the rest of the Resident Evil series he becomes the main antagonist of the series and has made more appearances in the games than the other characters.
Now why is it he appears more in the game series and not in the film? That is a question I would like to have answered.
The fact is if you are planning to make a film series based on a game series then you should have the primary antagonist throughout the whole series instead of introducing him in the 3rd film and then having him in the 4th film only twice overall.
Wesker in Resident Evil: Afterlife portrayed by Shawn Roberts
The bottom line is this: If you are going to make a film series based on a game series then you should stick with the main antagonist. I mean the Mortal Kombat films were bad, but at least they got the main characters from the game. So how can they not do the same for the Resident Evil films?

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