Thursday 3 March 2011

It's A Waste Of Life Pt 1

Now today is usually when I add a new "I'm Busy Right Now" post, but I can't be bothered. Instead I will talk about 10 movies which I do not recommend anyone to watch.

10) Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
The other Harry Potter films were perfectly done, even though there was a problem when the director had changed. But the fourth film was absolutely terrible. The films inaccurate interpretation of one of the best out of the series was terrible, Robert Pattinson was rubbish as Cedric Diggery and in general it was done too quickly. The fact some of the most essential and most entertaining points of the book were not in the film (and even the important parts that they added were badly adapted) brung this down. It seemed that they were just wanting it done because they couldn't care less about it. Certain points (such as the Quidditch World Cup and it's Aftermath were not done well, along with the 3rd task of the Triwizard tournament) did not stick accurately to the book and fans of the harry potter franchise were very disappointed with it in general.

Another repetitive and cliched disaster movie: a squad of people are sent to save the earth from a large destructive force, in the case of this film: The core of the Earth itself. The plot is similar to that of all disaster movies and ends in a similar way: the human race succeed in saving the earth. The cast wasn't good, the dialogue was dull and it is something that you seem to have seen in another film. For me, the fact is disaster movies are all the same and cliched so much.

Most people will disagree with me on this and say "It's alright" or "it was done quite well". You may be right, however I found this film horrendous and pointless. The fact is that at the end of Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Sarah and John Connor defeated Skynet and prevented the war. What do they do? They make a sequel which suggests that skynet came back and that Sarah and John Connor only stalled Skynet. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the only reason that some one would watch this as he goes back to his iconic role of the Terminator, but even so it doesn't change my mind on how terrible this film was.

Joel Schumacher can never do a brilliant Batman film. This is clear evidence that he can't do a good Batman film. With Batman, you'd expect a lot of action instead make way for really terrible jokes and terrible lines. George Clooney portrays the Dark Knight, Arnold Schwarzenegger portrays Mr Freeze amd Uma Thurman stars as Poison Ivy. The problem with this is everything about it. Arnie's terrible cold-related one-liners are just the icing on this cake of badness. George Clooney's acting in this film is horrendous and another problem is have Bane as a servant when in fact he is a big villain within the comic books. Thank goodness Joel Schumacher isn't the maker of the newest Batman films.

In comparison to Scary Movie 1-3, the fourth film was dire. The problem was the fact it was going away from the horror genre and closer to the sci-fi genre (such as War Of The Worlds). The humour was similar and there are a lot more sexual innuendos than usual. Also some jokes were repetitive and have been seen in all of them (such as the car running someone over at the end). There is nothing original whatsoever and the writers must have been really desperate for ideas to come up with this.
Stay tuned for part 2.


  1. that batman movie is awesome man, one of the few (or maybe even less than that) Arnie is actually gd in. The story was good throughout, the acting was well done and action throughout, so I cant see much wrong in the movie. The terminator though ok pretty pants. The core they couldn't do really much with that, too many times have we seen one team of Americans (and the one foreigner in this case the French man) save the world but in like all these "epic" action movies they get over losing friends pretty well lol. But a question for you Shaun what is your favourite batman movie and why?

  2. The Tim Burton version with Jack Nicholson
